Q: Where can I go for a weekend ride with my SxS?

A: If you have a look on AORVA Places to Ride & Drive, you’ll find Google mapping with hundreds of marked locations. You will need to be a member first, but membership is free so please join up which helps us get more places opened up. Once in the mapping, you can click on sub categories like ATV, SSV or both. Have a look around for local venues and get in touch by the supplied Contact details and check their conditions.

Q: Am I allowed to ride my Quad Bike in the National Park?

A: This is a very difficult answer that varies from State to State. For general ‘rock up and ride’ recreational riding, the answer is usually a big NO.

But there are opportunities around, and most of them within organised club events. If you are in Tasmania… the answer is a big YES. There are plenty of places to ride under the Government supported RAT System (Ride Around Tasmania).

AORVA are working hard to create similar access opportunities in other States of Australia.

Q: Can I drive my Side by Side at local Motocross tracks?

A: Each track is different so you need to check with each. Some may never have given SSV a go before, but might be willing if you ask nicely. SxS / UTV are accepted vehicles under Motorcycling Australia Jurisdiction so ‘can’ fit within their permitted events, it is all up to the club/organiser. Some clubs and useful contacts are listed on the AORVA Places to Ride & Drive mapping.

Q: Why won’t motorcycle clubs let Quads join up and ride their tracks?

A: Some clubs do, and some clubs cater purely for ATV and run Social Family Camp Away events as well as racing. Their Racing calendars include lots of MX tracks in every State. Other 2 wheel motorcycle clubs can get a bit funny about the unknown. So you’ll have to make friends to be accepted.

Try asking for a few laps at the start or end of the day, or during their lunch breaks. Also ask about roving track marshal jobs, breakdown or towing support.

Very popular 2 wheeler ride tracks can get huge numbers and it might legitimately be too hard to fit a few Quads in for a run while they have a few hundred 2 wheel members waiting to hit the tracks.

Ask nicely about when their quiet times are, and build some Quad numbers with a few more mates.

Q: I’ve got a Polaris Buggy, and I want to get away for weekends?

A: The easiest way to open up more places to use your SSV is to join AORVA, go to our Places to Ride & Drive mapping, click on ‘Clubs’ and get in touch with whoever is closest to you.

Quad Clubs are the best as they usually cater for SSV as well. Joining one of these local clubs will afford you connections with their many local club members who are like minded people with no doubt a great knowledge of where you can get out and have some fun. Through building these friendships, you may well be invited to dozens of private properties that will never be listed ‘on the map’.

People in these ‘in the know’ groups have plenty of ORV use options available every weekend.

Q: How do we change the rules to get more places to ride? The fact that dirt bikes and crazy 4x4’s are allowed in National Parks and we are not is rubbish.

A: AORVA agrees. There is no good logic, just a resistance to change and poorly preconceived safety and environmental concerns. Yes you can get lost bush walking today, or crash your motorbike, or roll the family 4x4 in a National Park tomorrow. The risks with purpose designed ORV are actually less, and AORVA continues efforts to properly inform various Government Departments and Regulators every day.

Until we make achievement in those States that are lacking, Australians miss out on the obvious benefits that come with the healthy outdoor ORV lifestyle. Join AORVA now, and your vote will help us end the needless discrimination and give ORV a fair go.